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Friday, January 28, 2005
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Holy Humor!! BUT OH SO TRUE

1. There was a church that had problems with outsiders parking in its parking lots, so they put up a sign:
That took care of the problem!
2. "No God - No Peace? Know God - Know Peace."
3. "Free Trip to heaven. Details Inside!"
4. "Try our Sundays. They are better than Baskin-Robbins."
5. "Searching for a new look? Have your faith lifted here!"
6. An ad for one Church has a picture of two hands holding stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments are inscribed and a headline that reads: "For fast, fast, fast relief, take two tablets."
7. When the restaurant next to another Church put out a sign with big red letters that said, "Open Sundays," the church reciprocated with its own message: "We are open on Sundays, too."
8. "People are like tea bags - you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are."
9. "Fight truth decay - study the Bible daily."
10. "How will you spend eternity - Smoking or Non-smoking?"
11. "Dusty Bibles lead to Dirty Lives"
12. "Come work for the Lord. The work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low. But the retirement benefits are out of this world."
13. "It is unlikely there'll be a reduction in the wages of sin."
14. "Do not wait for the hearse to take you to church."
15. "If you're headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns."
16. "If you don't like the way you were born, try being born again."
17. "Looking at the way some people live, they ought to obtain eternal fire insurance soon."
18. "This is a ch_ _ ch. What is missing?" ----- (U R)
19. "In the dark? Follow the Son."
20. "Running low on faith? Step in for a fill-up."
21. "If you can't sleep, don't count sheep. Talk to the Shepherd."
READ: The Rest of The Story!
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Spring is on the way
All out there and here are calm and peacefull and there is just the hint of spring in the air...
Things have been so hectic for me for 3 weeks that today is the first day that i can finally relax and enjoy the day and be totally at peace. I know that this lovely bubble of peace and calm could bust at any minute but I am going to say my prayers to the Lord and plan my day around keeping this peace and calm all the day and hopefully into the next. It is a day to go out into God's wonderful world outside and just enjoy all the bounty that he has provided...
Winter is so hard on us all because we tend to lock oursleves up in the house and not even let the outside in. Very hard to enjoy God's world when it is sooooo cold and depressing..
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Son is in Jr. College...Yipee...
From sat to Tue am I went through many phone numbers and internet connections to get this accomplished.
1. Sat Son went to college and took entrance exam. Passed all but the reading test.
Funny thing he did a 98 in the writing and essey but failed reading
I always thought reading and writing went hand in hand...LOL
2. Was told that he nedded to retest in 30 days for the reading to get in as a "Dule Credit student.
But found out that if he unenrolled for Highschool and worked on his GED he could just do a class in reading at college to make that one up. They said that he had go have at least taken the GED test prior to registering for the college classes.
3. Found 2 GED testing sites that would have tested this week. Called and left message plus e-mailed them. He is registered to take the GED the 1st of Feb. All materals to study are in the library.
4. Twiddled my thumbs through Sunday and Holiday Monday....Long days
5. Tuesday am 8, Rang college found loop hole for GED...if sign a contract with college to get GED before end of semester he could register and take classes.
6. Sent son to highschool to unenrole (he is 18 n/p) then down to college to sign contract and register.
BTW no one said anything about paying up front....LOL Bad them!!!!
7. Son calls from school saying that we need 737 dollars to register.
Too late to do payment plan (that ended Sat)
8. Son brings all forms home for Financual Aid and I fill out on net..(takes 6 weeks but if approved will reimburse our expence)
9. Wed. Son's first Math class starts at 5 pm. Consolidate all moneies into one debit account and send him down with that and a check for the rest.
10. Son is enrolled in College...but taking the 2 math classes and the one reading class he needs to pull him up to College level. the math classes are Fast Track one each 8 weeks. (3 hours each m and W) and the reading is 1 hr each tu and th)
Bottom Line is that he is doing 8 hrs. a week to get up to college level instead of sitting in an AEP class 8 hrs a day 5 days a week to get to the same place. The GED does not hurt him because of his desire to continue on to college...and helps us for the federal aid.
So we finally are on track and rolling...except we have not got one Plug Nickle amongst us till Feb. and Land taxes are due 31 Jan...LOL We are in the crapper but TONY IS IN SCHOOL>>>>>>Yipeeeeeee...!!!!!
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Reading test passed-GED taken and Passed
School System-Problelms
Ready for the Funny Farm
READ: The Rest of The Story!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I am about ready for the Funny Farm or ........
Finally got everything in line for Son to get the 3 classes he needs in college and he is down there now all registered and signed up but he needs over 900.00 NOW....
Not tomorrow but right NOW....
And i just don't know what i am going to do.
If he doesn't pay it now there is no classes and no school....i am so frustrated.....that damn system is so screwed.....but i got a couple of call in just waiting to hear back...
i knew I should have gone in with him to keep things straight and take care of things on that end. So far I have been able to do alot of phone and internet work....but....this is just so not right. If they had told me this am about needing the $'s then I would have had a chance to make the arraingments....
I am just venting....don't pay me no never mind here.....I just guess I will sit down and pray about it and leave it in God's hands...if he wants things to work out then they will.
I really hate haveing a time crunch but also I love it because that is usually when I am at my best and can get things done....ASAP...so why am I whinning about this...
Saty tuned for the Rest of the story....or how I spend my time in the Looney bin....LOL
Read More: (Updates)
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Son Finally in Jr. College
Reading test passed-GED taken and Passed
School System-Problelms
READ: The Rest of The Story!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Other Blogs of Intrest
Whispering in the Wind-MarcoNewly made
Curse the Conscious-Funky Fresh Freddie A little way out there...Some possibley objectionalble Pics. But very intresting
Island Dreams -Castaway New and in process
For Audiophiles and Videophiles -Brianabout the latest and greatest audio and video technology
For Hymns of the Cross and Blood -Briancontains hymns of the Cross and hymns of the Blood
Thoughts and Philosophies on Life -Brianmy philosophies and impressions of life
Why Not? -Darrensome of my comments and opinions on different issues with a Christian perspective
JoshsBlog -JoshOn this blog I will just post stuff about anything, and anything about stuff.
The Bit Cruncher, IT Pro -LucAlot of Great info on MSN and Microsoft
*****Baghdad Burning -RiverbendGirl Blog from Iraq... tells aboout her day to daylife: war, politics and occupation.
*****Free Iraq -Imad Khadduri, the Iraqi nuclear scientistThe US's pre-emptive occupation of Iraq will see to it that the Lion of Babylon rises again
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Well I have been a very busy bee today
i have been busy learing the in's and out's of this blog program and hope I have helped the navigatin a bit...and have a few new features on here.
If this blog gets tooooo slow in loading let me know and I will delete or find another way to do the features.
1. I have made it where only the last 3 days posts are on the main page. So if you see anything in the left menu (not on the front page) please click on it to read.
2. I have put a little message board on so that people who would rather not comment on a certain title can just leave a general message. Max 200 words per post so you can repost if you have a ton to say or just post it in the comments somewhere...:)
3. I have put a notice board at the top to help you be aware of certain features on the site. And for quick links to them (the links are inpage links so you will not go anywhere but down or up the page...stil need to do top of page links for those who do not want to scroll up to the top....LMBO
4. midnight or 2am monday morning: Clicking on comments will show them on the main page. Clicking on Read More will display the whole post.
I want to thank Funky Fresh Freddie for the neat idea for the message board and the link (on his blog Curse the Conscious to TagBoard Message Board (basic is free) ) which is also on this blog under the mesg board.
LMBO I had to go check the preview because I suddenly found my self typing HTML code in the above paragraph and was not sure I could do that. I am so use to making websites in HTML....LOL
i want to stress the Amount of POP-UP adds that Blogger has for these "Free" Boards. And how I HIGHLEY HIGHLEY suggest, recommend, command, plead, beg, demand that if you are using IE go to the Google site, link in the Notes, and down load their tool bar....just while I was working on this page and doing all the edditing, everytime I opened a blogger window (preview, finished, any) there were many pop-up adds that whanted to come through. I have had google tool bar in my IE for years (since it came out) and it is a GOD send....
I now use Firefox browser and NO POP-ups from any webpage....unless I want. There is a little icon that comes up in the status bar at the bottom of the browser and lets me know there is a pop-up blocked and when I click on it it gives me a little window and shows who is trying to POP me...LOL and I can then deceide if I will alow it or not....
I just love Firefox....can't say enough but that is for a different subject on a different day.
Hope you like the changes and will come back often.
because i am always doing neat things with the site...
Have a great day.
P.S. I am reposting this at the end of a frustrating day....I stuffed up the whole thing and had to figure out the html to get it back to snuff...what a day...
Do not think you can copy the source code of the page or pages and make them work. There is some code that transcripes in the source code and will make the page not work right...LOL good lesson. Now I just got to figure it out for my website...:) READ: The Rest of The Story!
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Friday, January 14, 2005
While We are on the subject of Education
I went to school back in the 50-60's when the school system was an educating machines and made the rules them selves.
In first grade I got my bottom smacked right there in the class room for talking. That was the last swat I got till 9th grade.
It is amazing what a swat in front of t he whole class will do in making a better student and person.
I am not saying that it works for everyone because we had our disrupters all through school and they were the same people. And were always getting a swat (by hand not paddle) or a thump with the ruler right there in class.
No one died or grew up to be serial killers, wife beaters or anything but good Citizens and a credit to society (opps there is that word Society...LOL) But then again Society was not what it is now. People had morals and values and God was in your everyday life and at school too.
Anyway, THE SCHOOL SYSTEM made the RULES, not the parents, state or federal government. And if you did not like them then you could go somewhere else.
There were the PTA (Parent Teachers Association) once a 6 weeks time and the parents and the teachers w orked together to make education just that "Education" not "Let's baby sit for 8 hours a day"
There was no such thing as ADD....it was called Hyperactivity and only about 1% of the students had a problem with it. The teachers dealt with it by having the student be the teacher's helper and doing things for the teacher.
Note: I always wondered why the Good, normal students, never got called on to pass out papers or erase the board or clean the erasers...and I did not realize it till I was much older and had a child in school myself. The kids that always got picked were the hyperactivity and misbehavers. Now these misbehavers were not like the ones now...these were talkers in class, bullies on the play ground and kids that found it hard to sit still very long. And as I said maybe only 1% of the students fell into this category.
We were there to learn and the teachers were there to teach.
If you did not make the grades you did not go to the next level or grade. No iffs ands or butts.
You had a dress code. And it was not open for discussion. The girls wore dresses and the boys wore pants and nice collard shirts and everyone wore regular shoes.
Having grown and had 2 children in the school system I have come to realize a lot of things that you were suspose to learn in school.
Besides learning your basic 3r's the reason for sitting still and quite and for doing lessons was to prepare you for the WORK force out there. All these things over a period of 12 years get you into good work habits.
The dress code was there to teach you how to dress for success and for the work force. Again 12 years of habits prepared your and taught you how to go out dressed properly for that Job etc.
I have proof that this system worked.
Back in 1982 the military decided that the kids coming into the military were not up to standard in the education and proper attire habit. So they made every one from the high ups to the lowley seaman take the SAT test to see what their education level was.
No mind you by this time I had been out of school for over 12 years...
So taking a test on things I should have learned in school was a bit scary...Would I remember how would it go.
Well, my test score rated me as 12+ meaning that I had an education of 12 grade +.
the rest of the kids that were 22 and younger scored under 10th grade level. And about 10% scored 9th and below.
These kids were for an education system that had been influenced by Parents, State and Federal guide lines to make the school system not so sever...
1.Drop the dress code, let them wear anything they want, they should be comfortable sitting in class for 7 hours.
2. Drop the discipline, no more swats or immediate action when a student acted up. If we discipline them then they might grow up with a warped mind and not be productive citizens. (I actually blame DR. Spock for this revolution in school and in the home)
3. To heck if they make a passing grade, but them in the next grade anyway...it would harm them if they did not stay with their peers...
The proof in this is reflected in the age groups of 7 to approx 30.
Remember the kid that was in Singapore that damaged a bunch of cars???? I say if he had gotten a spanking or discipline as a child and taught that you do not mess with things that are not yours and you should respect people and their things, he would not have needed the government of Singapore to cane him...And I think it was about time he was taught something.
Another example how the new School System is harmful is the "Student Work Program"
Back in 1991 we had about 6 highschool students come to work in our area for 2 weeks. You should have seen how they showed up for work...(just like they showed up for school) halter tops, sandals, baggy pants without belts, etc...ya get the idea.
All of us were appalled but what could we do. They never had the discipline in dress that you needed for the work place and thought their attire was ok for a job....
This Country and the world in whole has gone to the dogs as far a attirement.
I just saw a man on the Price Is Right today and he had on a white teeshirt, shorts and he was totally over weight and his belly was hanging over the waist band of his shorts. Now I tell ya I would not want to go on NATIONAL TV dressed as he was...
And we can blame a good part of it on the School System.
We need to put the schools back in charge and put God back in the schools. Instead of complaining about the kids that become adults and can't even handle a job at McDonald's....we need to help the schools go back to Rules that they have lost and be EDUCATORS and not Baby sitters. READ: The Rest of The Story!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
The School System/My Problems
1. I have a son that is 18 and has 1 semester of highschool to complete
2. He is the first one in all our family that has ever wanted to go to college
3. Last year he was on the Track Team and placed 2nd at every meet, was the football kicker last fall and kicked the most yards for the whole district, and was planning on being in tract this year, also was in theator arts last year and this.
4. The only trouble he has ever been in is for class tardiness.. This school gives the students only 5 minutes to get from one class to another and you must get your books, potty, and traverse a campus that is approx 2 acres all in 5 minutes..
So here is the problem:
Friday he was going from one building to the admin building and found a plastic bag with little pills in it. He picked it up and a friend came by and started talking to him. And the school nurse came up and asked him for the bag which he turned over immediatley and with no back talk. At that point he figured he had done his duty in turning it over to a staff member. And contuinued to his class. (He has done this on previous occations last year and also telling the staff of drug problems in the school) .
The office called him in and asked him what happened and He explained that he found them and was headed to turn them in. They said that he was in possistion of a controled substance. They even took them to the drugist and he told them were Clordine which is simular to Ridlin for kids or high blood pressure meds for adults.
They sent him home for the day and put him in AEP starting the following Monday. (alternate school 2 miles away) not for the 15 days that they usually give students but for the whole rest of the semister (5 months)
He is not allowed to set foot on the school campus for any reason and will get his diploma but not be able to be at graduation with his class.
I talked to the prinsipal, and then the superintendant and both deceided to stick to the RULE BOOK and make him stay till school is over.
I was able to get the Counsler to put all of his courses on NOVA NET so that he would not have to deal with the teachers down at the Highschool sending him up work.
The first day (Monday) I was promised by the principal, on Friday, that there would be his assignments from the teachers there f or him...
This did not happen and he spent all day with nothing to do.
After ringing early the second day They did send up work but instead of just the days leasons like it should have been some of them sent the WHOLE week up plus "Busy Work" (nice to do but not required).
Here is the website of the school. Highchool
the Principal: D'Wana Bryant
the Superintendent: Lynn Redden
If you feel this is unfair and want to say so I would not mind ya all e-mailing these people. I have done everything I know to do but I have hit a wall.
read on (updates)
I am about ready for the Funny Farm
Son Finally in Jr. College
Reading test passed-GED taken and Passed
READ: The Rest of The Story!
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- Darren said...
I'd seek legal advice. Without a doubt. Your son graduating with his classmates/friends, is a big deal and not being able to do that would be harsh.
- said...
This is KD. and firefox makes me post Annon...lol
anyway I think that by the time I fought this legally he would be in dead in the grave...LOL you know how long it takes to fight something in court...we don't have alot of time to get him back in.
Got a few things my brother told me that might help just have to make a few p hone calls.
Will post update when I have one. At this point the student is doing as directed....ugggg. - Webfairy said...
Well, I have spent all day on the phone and internet...and found out quite a few things.
Called the community college in our area and sent my son down to take the entrance test. He got there too late so will take it tomorrow morning and then get with the councler on classes and scheduel.
We were going to do the Duel Credit thing, where you take college cources and they are credited to the Highschool. But that would not help our situation because my son would still have to sit in AEP all year. So the college would have to be done at night.
Because he is 18 he is not required to be in school (public or home). He can test for his GED and still be in community college.
The College he wants to go to is Sam Houston and they will except him as a transfer after he does 12 hrs of classes at community college.
So every body pray tomorrow morning that he does well on the Test.
This might work out to our advantage...He could go to Community College for 4 semesters(2 years) and get the basics out of the way (doing the same courses that he would be doing at Sam houston.) And then transfer over for the last 2 years to get his degree.
If he gets his GED he automatically becomes eleageble for Federal Aid for all college. This would also save us over 4000.00 in campus living as Sam Houston requires the freshmen to live and eat on campus the first year.
This is almost looking like a win win situation....
Need to pray about this and thank God for the direction he has us going...There is a reason for everything and it all fits into the "Big Picture"
Thanks for all your support.
Will let ya know what happens tomorrow.
Good night. - Webfairy said...
Well, time to post a bit of an update...
My son passed every test but one reading one. So we are having to look at a different road. There are two GED testing centers that are giving the GED this coming week...If we can get him in there and tested then he can register at the JR. College but will have to take a remedial reading course along with the other courses.
But if we do not do the GED he could retake that one test in 30 days and maybe get in in March....that is just not a good one...but might be our only choice. Don't want him out of school too long...
Drat that Monday is a bloody holiday....takes away a day that we would have to register for the GED.....but I have e-mails out to the instructers (testers) so maybe I can get something done tomorrow (opps it is after midnight here so I guess that is TODAY :) ) even though it is a holiday.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
To Vote or Not To
Even at the age of 18 my question was: "am I truly electing the president or is the electoral College doing it?" As we have seen in recent years and elections the Whole electoral College thing is 17th century....When it took many months to get from one end of this country to the other.
In this media enlightened age and with the onset of almost a computer in every home or at least in all Public Libraries and in 95% of all work spaces, I say that the voting scheme of this country needs to get with the times.
We already have the best and most secure website in the world in the Social Security System/ IRS website. Everyone's SSN, residence and information is already on record there.
So I do not see why in the name of God we are still in the 17th century with our voting. Even the countries that are just now being able to incorporate the voting into their way of live are actually VOTING for the canadate...They do not have the electoral College to have the final say as to who is their President or Prime Minister. So again I say way are we behind the curve
The solution is so very simple.
Get the Social Security Office to establish a website where, when you log in to their site and maybe click a button that says vote, You would be asked for your name, birthday, location and SCM and then directed to a page with your Local, County, State and President choices are. You would then be able to click the boxes of your choices and then submit.
That information would go to a top secure computer to be compiled and the results would then be made available at the close of voting in the Pacific Time Zone. No one could mess with the votes, No Human error in trying to figure out what a voter wanted (IEEE chats etc.), And finally the President and all officials would really be chosen by the PEOPLE....
Each Local, district, County, and State would work up their Candida page on a computer and upload it to the Social Security Administration.
These are the up sides to this:
No long lines of waiting to vote
No people voting more than once
No unauthorized people voting (illigals, criminals, etc)
Only citizens could vote
No missed work to go vote (computers at work could be used to vote)
People who did not have computers could go to the Public Library
No errors because of humans
abolish_electoral_college READ: The Rest of The Story!
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- Webfairy said...
Thanks for droping in. Glad to know that i am not the only one out there that is fed up with the outdated system...
They had 4 years to fix it after the bull in Florida...and they really did nothing..
They need to quit talking about it and just get off their lazy bums and do it...
Like I said most of the things needed to implement a new webbase voting procedure is already in place...Give me that WhiteHouse for 24 h ours and it would have it done....LOL Maybe if we would elect a woman for the job things would get done and not just talked and investigated and alot of $$ spent on nothing...
And they wonder why the younger generation does not vote....LOL
Who is "Society"
You do something that is out of the "Norm" (a topic for another discussion :) ) and everyone says "That is not socially accetable". And always I ask the question "Who is Society" . Then I follow up with "I am going to follow what is written in the Bible and not what someone, that no one can tell me Who they are and what authority they are making rules, deems is exceptable behavior.
Think on this:
Since God has been taken out of our everyday lives outside the household, there are many things that are accepted behavior by "Society" but not accepted by The Lord our Savior.
Are you going to do something that is exceptable by Mankind or follow the Lords teachings?
Again the Big Question i wish someone would tell me is 'WHO IS SOCIETY and BY WHAT AUTHORITY" READ: The Rest of The Story!
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- Brian said...
Well said. I think we all should take the Bible more seriously.
- Webfairy said...
Yes, as I said in the first of the Message, Norm falls under the collumn of They...
If these people are the law makers then we are deffinatly in Trouble. Since they (the law makers) have seen to it that the 10% of God haters have been able to change things to the degrading way they are.
Did not John spend alot of time in prison for going against "NORM" "THEY" and "SOCIETY" to follow in the Lords foot steps?
All the years in the Military that I spent I stood stead fast to the Good Book in face of all the orders and man made laws. I know you are saying well how about "Thou Shalt Not Kill" well I was a store keeper and thank God none of my posting were in a war situation. So I was never faced with that problem... I never had to order any weapond of distruction or implements to commit killings... It is hard to explain but there are many jobs in the armed forces that do not require you to be in contact with killing. Or directly assist.
Thanks to you both for posting...This is my first Blog and I am a real newbee. - Darren said...
Agreed! "Society" drives me nuts half of the time! By the way, I like the blog!
Why Not?Darren - Darren said...
Agreed! "Society" drives me nuts half of the time! By the way, I like the blog!
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