While We are on the subject of Education
I am so hyped that I just have to get these thoughts and observations down.
I went to school back in the 50-60's when the school system was an educating machines and made the rules them selves.
In first grade I got my bottom smacked right there in the class room for talking. That was the last swat I got till 9th grade.
It is amazing what a swat in front of t he whole class will do in making a better student and person.
I am not saying that it works for everyone because we had our disrupters all through school and they were the same people. And were always getting a swat (by hand not paddle) or a thump with the ruler right there in class.
No one died or grew up to be serial killers, wife beaters or anything but good Citizens and a credit to society (opps there is that word Society...LOL) But then again Society was not what it is now. People had morals and values and God was in your everyday life and at school too.
Anyway, THE SCHOOL SYSTEM made the RULES, not the parents, state or federal government. And if you did not like them then you could go somewhere else.
There were the PTA (Parent Teachers Association) once a 6 weeks time and the parents and the teachers w orked together to make education just that "Education" not "Let's baby sit for 8 hours a day"
There was no such thing as ADD....it was called Hyperactivity and only about 1% of the students had a problem with it. The teachers dealt with it by having the student be the teacher's helper and doing things for the teacher.
Note: I always wondered why the Good, normal students, never got called on to pass out papers or erase the board or clean the erasers...and I did not realize it till I was much older and had a child in school myself. The kids that always got picked were the hyperactivity and misbehavers. Now these misbehavers were not like the ones now...these were talkers in class, bullies on the play ground and kids that found it hard to sit still very long. And as I said maybe only 1% of the students fell into this category.
We were there to learn and the teachers were there to teach.
If you did not make the grades you did not go to the next level or grade. No iffs ands or butts.
You had a dress code. And it was not open for discussion. The girls wore dresses and the boys wore pants and nice collard shirts and everyone wore regular shoes.
Having grown and had 2 children in the school system I have come to realize a lot of things that you were suspose to learn in school.
Besides learning your basic 3r's the reason for sitting still and quite and for doing lessons was to prepare you for the WORK force out there. All these things over a period of 12 years get you into good work habits.
The dress code was there to teach you how to dress for success and for the work force. Again 12 years of habits prepared your and taught you how to go out dressed properly for that Job etc.
I have proof that this system worked.
Back in 1982 the military decided that the kids coming into the military were not up to standard in the education and proper attire habit. So they made every one from the high ups to the lowley seaman take the SAT test to see what their education level was.
No mind you by this time I had been out of school for over 12 years...
So taking a test on things I should have learned in school was a bit scary...Would I remember how would it go.
Well, my test score rated me as 12+ meaning that I had an education of 12 grade +.
the rest of the kids that were 22 and younger scored under 10th grade level. And about 10% scored 9th and below.
These kids were for an education system that had been influenced by Parents, State and Federal guide lines to make the school system not so sever...
1.Drop the dress code, let them wear anything they want, they should be comfortable sitting in class for 7 hours.
2. Drop the discipline, no more swats or immediate action when a student acted up. If we discipline them then they might grow up with a warped mind and not be productive citizens. (I actually blame DR. Spock for this revolution in school and in the home)
3. To heck if they make a passing grade, but them in the next grade anyway...it would harm them if they did not stay with their peers...
The proof in this is reflected in the age groups of 7 to approx 30.
Remember the kid that was in Singapore that damaged a bunch of cars???? I say if he had gotten a spanking or discipline as a child and taught that you do not mess with things that are not yours and you should respect people and their things, he would not have needed the government of Singapore to cane him...And I think it was about time he was taught something.
Another example how the new School System is harmful is the "Student Work Program"
Back in 1991 we had about 6 highschool students come to work in our area for 2 weeks. You should have seen how they showed up for work...(just like they showed up for school) halter tops, sandals, baggy pants without belts, etc...ya get the idea.
All of us were appalled but what could we do. They never had the discipline in dress that you needed for the work place and thought their attire was ok for a job....
This Country and the world in whole has gone to the dogs as far a attirement.
I just saw a man on the Price Is Right today and he had on a white teeshirt, shorts and he was totally over weight and his belly was hanging over the waist band of his shorts. Now I tell ya I would not want to go on NATIONAL TV dressed as he was...
And we can blame a good part of it on the School System.
We need to put the schools back in charge and put God back in the schools. Instead of complaining about the kids that become adults and can't even handle a job at McDonald's....we need to help the schools go back to Rules that they have lost and be EDUCATORS and not Baby sitters.
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I went to school back in the 50-60's when the school system was an educating machines and made the rules them selves.
In first grade I got my bottom smacked right there in the class room for talking. That was the last swat I got till 9th grade.
It is amazing what a swat in front of t he whole class will do in making a better student and person.
I am not saying that it works for everyone because we had our disrupters all through school and they were the same people. And were always getting a swat (by hand not paddle) or a thump with the ruler right there in class.
No one died or grew up to be serial killers, wife beaters or anything but good Citizens and a credit to society (opps there is that word Society...LOL) But then again Society was not what it is now. People had morals and values and God was in your everyday life and at school too.
Anyway, THE SCHOOL SYSTEM made the RULES, not the parents, state or federal government. And if you did not like them then you could go somewhere else.
There were the PTA (Parent Teachers Association) once a 6 weeks time and the parents and the teachers w orked together to make education just that "Education" not "Let's baby sit for 8 hours a day"
There was no such thing as ADD....it was called Hyperactivity and only about 1% of the students had a problem with it. The teachers dealt with it by having the student be the teacher's helper and doing things for the teacher.
Note: I always wondered why the Good, normal students, never got called on to pass out papers or erase the board or clean the erasers...and I did not realize it till I was much older and had a child in school myself. The kids that always got picked were the hyperactivity and misbehavers. Now these misbehavers were not like the ones now...these were talkers in class, bullies on the play ground and kids that found it hard to sit still very long. And as I said maybe only 1% of the students fell into this category.
We were there to learn and the teachers were there to teach.
If you did not make the grades you did not go to the next level or grade. No iffs ands or butts.
You had a dress code. And it was not open for discussion. The girls wore dresses and the boys wore pants and nice collard shirts and everyone wore regular shoes.
Having grown and had 2 children in the school system I have come to realize a lot of things that you were suspose to learn in school.
Besides learning your basic 3r's the reason for sitting still and quite and for doing lessons was to prepare you for the WORK force out there. All these things over a period of 12 years get you into good work habits.
The dress code was there to teach you how to dress for success and for the work force. Again 12 years of habits prepared your and taught you how to go out dressed properly for that Job etc.
I have proof that this system worked.
Back in 1982 the military decided that the kids coming into the military were not up to standard in the education and proper attire habit. So they made every one from the high ups to the lowley seaman take the SAT test to see what their education level was.
No mind you by this time I had been out of school for over 12 years...
So taking a test on things I should have learned in school was a bit scary...Would I remember how would it go.
Well, my test score rated me as 12+ meaning that I had an education of 12 grade +.
the rest of the kids that were 22 and younger scored under 10th grade level. And about 10% scored 9th and below.
These kids were for an education system that had been influenced by Parents, State and Federal guide lines to make the school system not so sever...
1.Drop the dress code, let them wear anything they want, they should be comfortable sitting in class for 7 hours.
2. Drop the discipline, no more swats or immediate action when a student acted up. If we discipline them then they might grow up with a warped mind and not be productive citizens. (I actually blame DR. Spock for this revolution in school and in the home)
3. To heck if they make a passing grade, but them in the next grade anyway...it would harm them if they did not stay with their peers...
The proof in this is reflected in the age groups of 7 to approx 30.
Remember the kid that was in Singapore that damaged a bunch of cars???? I say if he had gotten a spanking or discipline as a child and taught that you do not mess with things that are not yours and you should respect people and their things, he would not have needed the government of Singapore to cane him...And I think it was about time he was taught something.
Another example how the new School System is harmful is the "Student Work Program"
Back in 1991 we had about 6 highschool students come to work in our area for 2 weeks. You should have seen how they showed up for work...(just like they showed up for school) halter tops, sandals, baggy pants without belts, etc...ya get the idea.
All of us were appalled but what could we do. They never had the discipline in dress that you needed for the work place and thought their attire was ok for a job....
This Country and the world in whole has gone to the dogs as far a attirement.
I just saw a man on the Price Is Right today and he had on a white teeshirt, shorts and he was totally over weight and his belly was hanging over the waist band of his shorts. Now I tell ya I would not want to go on NATIONAL TV dressed as he was...
And we can blame a good part of it on the School System.
We need to put the schools back in charge and put God back in the schools. Instead of complaining about the kids that become adults and can't even handle a job at McDonald's....we need to help the schools go back to Rules that they have lost and be EDUCATORS and not Baby sitters.
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