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Tired of the way the world and country is headed? I have plenty to say about it and plenty to make you think.

Location:Texas, United States

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

To Vote or Not To

Having been the first Generation to be able to vote at the age of 18, I have noticed a ton of changes to the voting procedures through out these many years.

Even at the age of 18 my question was: "am I truly electing the president or is the electoral College doing it?" As we have seen in recent years and elections the Whole electoral College thing is 17th century....When it took many months to get from one end of this country to the other.

In this media enlightened age and with the onset of almost a computer in every home or at least in all Public Libraries and in 95% of all work spaces, I say that the voting scheme of this country needs to get with the times.

We already have the best and most secure website in the world in the Social Security System/ IRS website. Everyone's SSN, residence and information is already on record there.

So I do not see why in the name of God we are still in the 17th century with our voting. Even the countries that are just now being able to incorporate the voting into their way of live are actually VOTING for the canadate...They do not have the electoral College to have the final say as to who is their President or Prime Minister. So again I say way are we behind the curve

The solution is so very simple.
Get the Social Security Office to establish a website where, when you log in to their site and maybe click a button that says vote, You would be asked for your name, birthday, location and SCM and then directed to a page with your Local, County, State and President choices are. You would then be able to click the boxes of your choices and then submit.

That information would go to a top secure computer to be compiled and the results would then be made available at the close of voting in the Pacific Time Zone. No one could mess with the votes, No Human error in trying to figure out what a voter wanted (IEEE chats etc.), And finally the President and all officials would really be chosen by the PEOPLE....

Each Local, district, County, and State would work up their Candida page on a computer and upload it to the Social Security Administration.

These are the up sides to this:
No long lines of waiting to vote
No people voting more than once
No unauthorized people voting (illigals, criminals, etc)
Only citizens could vote
No missed work to go vote (computers at work could be used to vote)
People who did not have computers could go to the Public Library
No errors because of humans


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Blogger Webfairy said...

Thanks for droping in. Glad to know that i am not the only one out there that is fed up with the outdated system...

They had 4 years to fix it after the bull in Florida...and they really did nothing..

They need to quit talking about it and just get off their lazy bums and do it...

Like I said most of the things needed to implement a new webbase voting procedure is already in place...Give me that WhiteHouse for 24 h ours and it would have it done....LOL Maybe if we would elect a woman for the job things would get done and not just talked and investigated and alot of $$ spent on nothing...

And they wonder why the younger generation does not vote....LOL

7:19 PM  

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