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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Who is "Society"

I have always wanted to know who "society" is and why they are dictating how we should live.
You do something that is out of the "Norm" (a topic for another discussion :) ) and everyone says "That is not socially accetable". And always I ask the question "Who is Society" . Then I follow up with "I am going to follow what is written in the Bible and not what someone, that no one can tell me Who they are and what authority they are making rules, deems is exceptable behavior.

Think on this:

Since God has been taken out of our everyday lives outside the household, there are many things that are accepted behavior by "Society" but not accepted by The Lord our Savior.

Are you going to do something that is exceptable by Mankind or follow the Lords teachings?

Again the Big Question i wish someone would tell me is 'WHO IS SOCIETY and BY WHAT AUTHORITY"

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Blogger Brian said...

Well said. I think we all should take the Bible more seriously.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Webfairy said...

Yes, as I said in the first of the Message, Norm falls under the collumn of They...

If these people are the law makers then we are deffinatly in Trouble. Since they (the law makers) have seen to it that the 10% of God haters have been able to change things to the degrading way they are.

Did not John spend alot of time in prison for going against "NORM" "THEY" and "SOCIETY" to follow in the Lords foot steps?

All the years in the Military that I spent I stood stead fast to the Good Book in face of all the orders and man made laws. I know you are saying well how about "Thou Shalt Not Kill" well I was a store keeper and thank God none of my posting were in a war situation. So I was never faced with that problem... I never had to order any weapond of distruction or implements to commit killings... It is hard to explain but there are many jobs in the armed forces that do not require you to be in contact with killing. Or directly assist.

Thanks to you both for posting...This is my first Blog and I am a real newbee.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Darren said...

Agreed! "Society" drives me nuts half of the time! By the way, I like the blog!

Why Not?Darren

7:14 AM  
Blogger Darren said...

Agreed! "Society" drives me nuts half of the time! By the way, I like the blog!


7:17 AM  

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