Hurricane RITA
I am sitting here approx. 100 miles directly due N of Galveston, and expecting winds in excess of 75 miles per hour.
I watched the news most of all yesterday on different channels. As usual I was not impressed with and of the Weather People. Just a bunch of sensationalized stories and pictures and really NOT a lot of "News or Information" that is help full.
At about 2 pm yesterday the Mayor was talking about bringing in FREE gas to the Preferred evacuation routes. When asked about the routes other than 45, 10 and 290, Tex Dot said that if you were not on the
Preferred" evacuation routes (those 3) then you had to fend for your self. I do not know when I10 became a "Preferred route" because when they put the 4 evacuation routes on the television Wednesday, there were 4 routes: 146 to Lufkin, 45 to Dallas, 290 to College Station/Austin and 146 to Lufkin/Jasper. Route map:
On the roads being turned into "One Ways" running North... They said that they could not do it for 59 because it ran through cities and towns and had cross traffic. But yet this morning in Beaumont and Lake Charles they have turned their main evacuation roads, above I10, into one way north... and most of those roads are just little roads that run through cities and towns.
Also they said that they could not do it for I10 as they needed it open for their emergency teams during and after the storm. Well, why not open it up and get the people out "Before the Storm" and then it would be clear and closed back up after the people are gone. DUH! So....what does TexDot have to say about that.
The news is still reporting on the immediate area around Houston and the freeways. They show the freeways all clear except for the ones stranded without gas. Why are they not going up the roads past Huntsville and towards Dallas and report on how the traffic is going? I heard that on 290 everything was clear from Houston to Waller County (not that far our of town) and then it gets bumper to bumper again. Well, News break is reporting that there is a bus fire just S of Dallas near Wilmer and has created a 17 mile back up.
Ok, Lets look at the realities of this whole thing.
With reports of the wind and rain in large amounts with this storm most all the cities and towns from Houston on up the citizens of these places went out Wed and Thur and put a run on the groceries and gas stations in their area. So very possibly there was no gas or groceries in these places before the evacuation even started. My Comment: I am sure the old timers knew to get gas cans and take at least a couple of them with them so as not to run out and get where they were headed. I know some did because it was reported. THINK before you leave you house. Use common sense... Be totally prepared.
When leaving home : Insure you take gas, water, and food. And if you are going in a Large auto or truck try to take extra if can so you can assist others.
We have been so spoiled buy a gas station or food store on every corner.. I remember when one never left home even to work with out a can of gas and water. What has happened to this country and the people???
Bulletin::: just ran buses to Cleveland and picked up a bunch of people that have had to leave their cars in the Wall-Mart parking lot. They will be taken to Austin but have got to leave their cars behind. My Comment: this is all fine and dandy but if they can get buses up there then why did not some one think to load flatbeds with 5gal gas cans full and just take gas to these people. 5 gallons would have gotten most of them to or past Lufkin. another DUH!!!!...
The thought I have on the Mandatory evacuation is this.
First: All the buses that took the people out of the 3 zones who did not have transportation were out of town and in their allocated shelter areas on schedule.
Each zone had an evacuation day and time. I realize that people have a tendency to do and go when and where they want. But I would have set up the evacuation in each zone this way.
1. tell people in vehicles that they need to meet in a selected area at a selected date and time (one of these "Park and Ride" car parks or a large shopping center with large parking lot)
2. at that day and time provide a police escort up the road towards the allocated shelter location. Kind of like a funeral procession. This would ensure that the Evacuees would get to the place they need to go without any time delays.
Keep the non- mandatory evacuees out of the way and tell them to please just stay put till the 3 zones are moved.
If this had been done in the first place there would have been plenty of time for all volunteer evacuation to be done with out clogging up the road ways. The government was very smart in not broadcasting the outlaying shelters... These shelters were for the Zone people. Sometimes the Media is more of a hindrance than a help...
I think, all in all the whole process went very well in moving as many people as they did. But I sure hope that the Government sits down and reevaluates the procedure for future....
Also If TexDot had staged some of these gas tankers along the evacuation routes instead of way out of town at roadside rests... there probably would not have been the clean up that there is now. All one would have had to do is:
On the day of the first evacuation stage the tankers every 10 miles up the routes above I10 (at one of the large Gas stations or Truck stops).
also have a truck loaded with water at same place (able to get gas and water at same time)
Now instruct that only people with proof of address from the evacuation area is to receive gas and water.
day 2 & 3, second & third evacuation area. proceed the same.
A side bar on the Routes and the traffic and assistance.
Did you know that 45 and I10 running from Houston to Dallas/San Antonio goes through very "well to do" counties and cities?
Did you know that 59 runs through some of the "Poorest" counties and cities in the state?
Second side bar on the people the media interviewed.
Watch closly, there were very little interviews with any group of people other than the African Americans. Did not see any with the Mexican American, Aisian American.....nor many with the Caucation American... :)
Wonder about the 39 horses in galveston that were being rescued? There was a guy that came all the way from North of austin to get 6 of them. Neaver heard anymore about them since yesterday.
Just rang ABC channel 13 news and they were going to do an update. Seems the reporter is catching a few ZZZZZZZZZ's at this time.
My final thoughts on any Act of Nature.
Follow your heart (this is God speeking) not you head.
Put your life and faith in God.
God is going to calll you home no matter where or what you are doing.
If you don't beleive this then read about all the tornados, fires, huricanes, etc that have gone through WHOLE neighborhoods and have selectively left homes etc totally intact with out any damage. The plane crash that one person has walked away from without a scratch. The car accident that mangles a car but the people have walked away from. The car accident that hardley dents the bumper and all or some inside are called home.
click comments to see my updates if any
I am sitting here approx. 100 miles directly due N of Galveston, and expecting winds in excess of 75 miles per hour.
I watched the news most of all yesterday on different channels. As usual I was not impressed with and of the Weather People. Just a bunch of sensationalized stories and pictures and really NOT a lot of "News or Information" that is help full.
At about 2 pm yesterday the Mayor was talking about bringing in FREE gas to the Preferred evacuation routes. When asked about the routes other than 45, 10 and 290, Tex Dot said that if you were not on the
Preferred" evacuation routes (those 3) then you had to fend for your self. I do not know when I10 became a "Preferred route" because when they put the 4 evacuation routes on the television Wednesday, there were 4 routes: 146 to Lufkin, 45 to Dallas, 290 to College Station/Austin and 146 to Lufkin/Jasper. Route map:
On the roads being turned into "One Ways" running North... They said that they could not do it for 59 because it ran through cities and towns and had cross traffic. But yet this morning in Beaumont and Lake Charles they have turned their main evacuation roads, above I10, into one way north... and most of those roads are just little roads that run through cities and towns.
Also they said that they could not do it for I10 as they needed it open for their emergency teams during and after the storm. Well, why not open it up and get the people out "Before the Storm" and then it would be clear and closed back up after the people are gone. DUH! So....what does TexDot have to say about that.
The news is still reporting on the immediate area around Houston and the freeways. They show the freeways all clear except for the ones stranded without gas. Why are they not going up the roads past Huntsville and towards Dallas and report on how the traffic is going? I heard that on 290 everything was clear from Houston to Waller County (not that far our of town) and then it gets bumper to bumper again. Well, News break is reporting that there is a bus fire just S of Dallas near Wilmer and has created a 17 mile back up.
Ok, Lets look at the realities of this whole thing.
With reports of the wind and rain in large amounts with this storm most all the cities and towns from Houston on up the citizens of these places went out Wed and Thur and put a run on the groceries and gas stations in their area. So very possibly there was no gas or groceries in these places before the evacuation even started. My Comment: I am sure the old timers knew to get gas cans and take at least a couple of them with them so as not to run out and get where they were headed. I know some did because it was reported. THINK before you leave you house. Use common sense... Be totally prepared.
When leaving home : Insure you take gas, water, and food. And if you are going in a Large auto or truck try to take extra if can so you can assist others.
We have been so spoiled buy a gas station or food store on every corner.. I remember when one never left home even to work with out a can of gas and water. What has happened to this country and the people???
Bulletin::: just ran buses to Cleveland and picked up a bunch of people that have had to leave their cars in the Wall-Mart parking lot. They will be taken to Austin but have got to leave their cars behind. My Comment: this is all fine and dandy but if they can get buses up there then why did not some one think to load flatbeds with 5gal gas cans full and just take gas to these people. 5 gallons would have gotten most of them to or past Lufkin. another DUH!!!!...
The thought I have on the Mandatory evacuation is this.
First: All the buses that took the people out of the 3 zones who did not have transportation were out of town and in their allocated shelter areas on schedule.
Each zone had an evacuation day and time. I realize that people have a tendency to do and go when and where they want. But I would have set up the evacuation in each zone this way.
1. tell people in vehicles that they need to meet in a selected area at a selected date and time (one of these "Park and Ride" car parks or a large shopping center with large parking lot)
2. at that day and time provide a police escort up the road towards the allocated shelter location. Kind of like a funeral procession. This would ensure that the Evacuees would get to the place they need to go without any time delays.
Keep the non- mandatory evacuees out of the way and tell them to please just stay put till the 3 zones are moved.
If this had been done in the first place there would have been plenty of time for all volunteer evacuation to be done with out clogging up the road ways. The government was very smart in not broadcasting the outlaying shelters... These shelters were for the Zone people. Sometimes the Media is more of a hindrance than a help...
I think, all in all the whole process went very well in moving as many people as they did. But I sure hope that the Government sits down and reevaluates the procedure for future....
Also If TexDot had staged some of these gas tankers along the evacuation routes instead of way out of town at roadside rests... there probably would not have been the clean up that there is now. All one would have had to do is:
On the day of the first evacuation stage the tankers every 10 miles up the routes above I10 (at one of the large Gas stations or Truck stops).
also have a truck loaded with water at same place (able to get gas and water at same time)
Now instruct that only people with proof of address from the evacuation area is to receive gas and water.
day 2 & 3, second & third evacuation area. proceed the same.
A side bar on the Routes and the traffic and assistance.
Did you know that 45 and I10 running from Houston to Dallas/San Antonio goes through very "well to do" counties and cities?
Did you know that 59 runs through some of the "Poorest" counties and cities in the state?
Second side bar on the people the media interviewed.
Watch closly, there were very little interviews with any group of people other than the African Americans. Did not see any with the Mexican American, Aisian American.....nor many with the Caucation American... :)
Wonder about the 39 horses in galveston that were being rescued? There was a guy that came all the way from North of austin to get 6 of them. Neaver heard anymore about them since yesterday.
Just rang ABC channel 13 news and they were going to do an update. Seems the reporter is catching a few ZZZZZZZZZ's at this time.
My final thoughts on any Act of Nature.
Follow your heart (this is God speeking) not you head.
Put your life and faith in God.
God is going to calll you home no matter where or what you are doing.
If you don't beleive this then read about all the tornados, fires, huricanes, etc that have gone through WHOLE neighborhoods and have selectively left homes etc totally intact with out any damage. The plane crash that one person has walked away from without a scratch. The car accident that mangles a car but the people have walked away from. The car accident that hardley dents the bumper and all or some inside are called home.
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