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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Google Now Has PHONE Search. (NOT GOOD)

this is really true..I tried it..since my phone number is unlisted ..private..it does not show mine..but I tried my mom's number and it showed a map to her house.

please do the block thing for your safety and the children.

Google has implemented a new feature wherein you can type someone's telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and then you will be given a map to their house. Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked.

Before forwarding this, I tested it by typing my telephone number in google.com.

My phone number came up, and when I clicked on the Map Quest link, it actually mapped out where I live.

Look up your own number. Think about it--if a child, ANYONE gives out his/her phone number, someone can actually now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious.

In order to test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: http://www.google.com/ Type your phone number in the search bar and hit enter.

If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information here is the link to the form http://www.google.com/help/pbremoval.html Google PhoneBook Name Removal
Or if your # shows up you can do a removal on that page towards the bottom of page.

Removal takes 48-hours. If you are unlisted in the phone book, you might not be in there, but it is a good idea just to check. If your number does come up if you hit map, it will show you a direct map to your house.

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