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Tired of the way the world and country is headed? I have plenty to say about it and plenty to make you think.

Location:Texas, United States

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Katrina Damage Assessment and Outages 2005-9-6

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Spring is on the way

As I sit here at my desk this morning at 6ish am, My window is open as it has been all night and looking out into the back pasture I watch the ducks and geese playing on the pond and looking for morning breakfast bugs.

All out there and here are calm and peacefull and there is just the hint of spring in the air...

Things have been so hectic for me for 3 weeks that today is the first day that i can finally relax and enjoy the day and be totally at peace. I know that this lovely bubble of peace and calm could bust at any minute but I am going to say my prayers to the Lord and plan my day around keeping this peace and calm all the day and hopefully into the next. It is a day to go out into God's wonderful world outside and just enjoy all the bounty that he has provided...

Winter is so hard on us all because we tend to lock oursleves up in the house and not even let the outside in. Very hard to enjoy God's world when it is sooooo cold and depressing..
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day I'll do a golden deed,

By helping those who are in need,

My life on earth is but a span,

And so I'll do the best I can,

The best I can.

To be a child of God each day,

My light must shine along the way;

I'll sing His praise while ages roll

And strive to help some troubled soul,

Some troubled soul.

The only life that will endure,

Is one that's kind and good and pure;

And so for God I'll take my stand,

Each day I'll lend a helping hand,

A helping hand.

I'll help someone in time of need,

And journey on with rapid speed;

I'll help the sick and poor and weak,

And words of kindness to them speak,

Kind words I'll speak.

While going down life's weary road,

I'll try to lift some traveler's load;

I'll try to turn the night to day,

Make flowers bloom along the way,

The lonely way.

Life's evening sun is sinking low,

A few more days and I must go

To meet the deeds that I have done,

Where there will be no setting sun.

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