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Location:Texas, United States

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Son is in Jr. College...Yipee...

If you read the prelim for this one (School System/My Problem) then you know some what of what i was going through.
From sat to Tue am I went through many phone numbers and internet connections to get this accomplished.

1. Sat Son went to college and took entrance exam. Passed all but the reading test.
Funny thing he did a 98 in the writing and essey but failed reading
I always thought reading and writing went hand in hand...LOL

2. Was told that he nedded to retest in 30 days for the reading to get in as a "Dule Credit student.
But found out that if he unenrolled for Highschool and worked on his GED he could just do a class in reading at college to make that one up. They said that he had go have at least taken the GED test prior to registering for the college classes.

3. Found 2 GED testing sites that would have tested this week. Called and left message plus e-mailed them. He is registered to take the GED the 1st of Feb. All materals to study are in the library.

4. Twiddled my thumbs through Sunday and Holiday Monday....Long days

5. Tuesday am 8, Rang college found loop hole for GED...if sign a contract with college to get GED before end of semester he could register and take classes.

6. Sent son to highschool to unenrole (he is 18 n/p) then down to college to sign contract and register.
BTW no one said anything about paying up front....LOL Bad them!!!!

7. Son calls from school saying that we need 737 dollars to register.
Too late to do payment plan (that ended Sat)

8. Son brings all forms home for Financual Aid and I fill out on net..(takes 6 weeks but if approved will reimburse our expence)

9. Wed. Son's first Math class starts at 5 pm. Consolidate all moneies into one debit account and send him down with that and a check for the rest.

10. Son is enrolled in College...but taking the 2 math classes and the one reading class he needs to pull him up to College level. the math classes are Fast Track one each 8 weeks. (3 hours each m and W) and the reading is 1 hr each tu and th)

Bottom Line is that he is doing 8 hrs. a week to get up to college level instead of sitting in an AEP class 8 hrs a day 5 days a week to get to the same place. The GED does not hurt him because of his desire to continue on to college...and helps us for the federal aid.

So we finally are on track and rolling...except we have not got one Plug Nickle amongst us till Feb. and Land taxes are due 31 Jan...LOL We are in the crapper but TONY IS IN SCHOOL>>>>>>Yipeeeeeee...!!!!!

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Reading test passed-GED taken and Passed

School System-Problelms
Ready for the Funny Farm

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