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Tired of the way the world and country is headed? I have plenty to say about it and plenty to make you think.

Location:Texas, United States

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This free blog site is full of pop-up adverts. Google Free Tool Bar
If you have Firefox you have build in pop-up blocker..Lucky you...LOL
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Katrina, New Orleans 2005-8-31 
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Katrina Damage Assessment and Outages 2005-9-6

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Well I have been a very busy bee today

Good morning all...

i have been busy learing the in's and out's of this blog program and hope I have helped the navigatin a bit...and have a few new features on here.

If this blog gets tooooo slow in loading let me know and I will delete or find another way to do the features.

1. I have made it where only the last 3 days posts are on the main page. So if you see anything in the left menu (not on the front page) please click on it to read.
2. I have put a little message board on so that people who would rather not comment on a certain title can just leave a general message. Max 200 words per post so you can repost if you have a ton to say or just post it in the comments somewhere...:)
3. I have put a notice board at the top to help you be aware of certain features on the site. And for quick links to them (the links are inpage links so you will not go anywhere but down or up the page...stil need to do top of page links for those who do not want to scroll up to the top....LMBO
4. midnight or 2am monday morning: Clicking on comments will show them on the main page. Clicking on Read More will display the whole post.

I want to thank Funky Fresh Freddie for the neat idea for the message board and the link (on his blog Curse the Conscious to TagBoard Message Board (basic is free) ) which is also on this blog under the mesg board.

LMBO I had to go check the preview because I suddenly found my self typing HTML code in the above paragraph and was not sure I could do that. I am so use to making websites in HTML....LOL

i want to stress the Amount of POP-UP adds that Blogger has for these "Free" Boards. And how I HIGHLEY HIGHLEY suggest, recommend, command, plead, beg, demand that if you are using IE go to the Google site, link in the Notes, and down load their tool bar....just while I was working on this page and doing all the edditing, everytime I opened a blogger window (preview, finished, any) there were many pop-up adds that whanted to come through. I have had google tool bar in my IE for years (since it came out) and it is a GOD send....

I now use Firefox browser and NO POP-ups from any webpage....unless I want. There is a little icon that comes up in the status bar at the bottom of the browser and lets me know there is a pop-up blocked and when I click on it it gives me a little window and shows who is trying to POP me...LOL and I can then deceide if I will alow it or not....

I just love Firefox....can't say enough but that is for a different subject on a different day.

Hope you like the changes and will come back often.
because i am always doing neat things with the site...
Have a great day.

P.S. I am reposting this at the end of a frustrating day....I stuffed up the whole thing and had to figure out the html to get it back to snuff...what a day...
Do not think you can copy the source code of the page or pages and make them work. There is some code that transcripes in the source code and will make the page not work right...LOL good lesson. Now I just got to figure it out for my website...:)

click comments to see my updates if any


Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck girl!
I'll be back...


11:06 PM  

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