Mr. M Jackson is in the news again
Well, here we are at the onset of Mr. Jackson's Trial.
My personal opinion is that he is being railroaded just like Mrs. Stewart was. Only I am hoping that the out come will be better for Mr. Jackson.
Why is it that this country has it out for People who do the most good and are not in the news for "Doing Bad" but in there as to the good that they do? Why is it that the majority of people in this country hate to see some one do well and progress up the ladder of success (not on the backs of others or over others) but on their own merit?
There are many famous people out there that have done far worse things than either Mr. Jackson or Mrs. Stewart (were or are accused o)f but you don't see them being drug over the coals of the justice system or the media.
Everyone is out for a buck or two and want to cause harm or deferment to a persons integrity these days. It is unforgivable....
When the neighbor comes down and ashes me to keep my child out of their tree (because he is afraid of a law suite if the child should get hurt) there is something very wrong in our "Society" (opus there is that word again LOL)
When co-workers are afraid to complement or just have a civil conversation with one another (for fear of a sexual harassment suite) There is something very wrong in our "Society"
When there is an accident and the people immediately hire a "Crook Lawyer" instead of first trying to handling it through the insurance Company (that is what we pay insurance for - for the Companies to handle the accidents for us) There is something very wrong in our "Society"
When the media actually deems you "Guilty" or "Not" before you even go to trial.. There is something very wrong in our "Society"
So back to Mr. Jackson and the millions of dollars that both he and the "State of California" are going to spend to take this to trial...
I am glad that "Broke" California has all that money to burn.... The same goes for The Mr. "Barretta" trial and the Simpson Trial....
I am not saying that they should not have their day in court to prove or disapprove the allegations. Just.... that because of the Media hype and all it is going to cost the Taxpayers more money than if it was just Mr. John Doe on trial for the same thing. Something is wrong with our "Society"...
I Have watched the progress of Mr. Jackson since his first days on TV with his Brothers.
I am appalled with what they had to go through with a "show Biz" father but I do realize that parents must do what they can to forward the career of their children (Children seldom have the push or drive or the sense to see way into the future) and parents can see the big picture and know that in the end the child should be grateful for the pushing...(although I know not all children are) But stating this I am reminded that before the 60's a child's career was much more abused by the parents than in recent times. (thank goodness for some protective laws that have come into effect)
Who knows though that the pushing, etc. from his dad was not what was required in molding him into the Child loving and giving person he has become.
I don't t hink he would or could molest or abuse a child. Usually when people have gone through this in their Child Hood it is not feasible that they could treat someone like they had been treated. Regardless of the 10%ers that are on telly saying that the reason they are bad is because of their upbringing.... Bull Pucky.... They, like most of the young people now days, just want someone to blame for things they do and will not take ownership of their actions...
But the bottom line ( and what I always tell my sons) "It really does not matter what the people on earth say or do to you". "God knows all and you will either be punished or redeemed in the end times for what you do or don't do and be persecuted for"
I am remembering a part from the Bible that says two or more must witness the crime for it to be considered and than just not 1 person can bring charges against you. It does not say anything about circumstantial evidence. It says 2 or more persons....
I know that in this day and age of Forensic Investigation one can get better proof of a crime.
Look at all the accused sex offenders now getting released because the new evidence proves they did not do the crime. Look at the bull evidence that put them behind bars before the new technology.
It is a sad world we live in when a group of people can get together and plot to bring down someone they don't like or want money from.
I want to say to those boys that are the accusers that "Remember that God knows all and that
you should be very careful". There have been a few case in the news of children accusing their dads of abuse and when the child grows up they confess that the adults around them corkscrews them into a falsehood. I sure hope that this case is not like that and that Mr. Jackson has his integrity spoilt and possible jail time and then the grown kid comes back and confesses that they were manipulated by an adult.
I have seen sex harassment charges brought on people just because the person bringing the charges did not like them. And instead of researching it to the hilt they act as if the person is guilty right off...And after the person is finale found not guilty the stigma still goes with them through out life. We as responsible people (especially the media) should really look at and weigh the evidence before OPENING MOUTH to accuse.
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My personal opinion is that he is being railroaded just like Mrs. Stewart was. Only I am hoping that the out come will be better for Mr. Jackson.
Why is it that this country has it out for People who do the most good and are not in the news for "Doing Bad" but in there as to the good that they do? Why is it that the majority of people in this country hate to see some one do well and progress up the ladder of success (not on the backs of others or over others) but on their own merit?
There are many famous people out there that have done far worse things than either Mr. Jackson or Mrs. Stewart (were or are accused o)f but you don't see them being drug over the coals of the justice system or the media.
Everyone is out for a buck or two and want to cause harm or deferment to a persons integrity these days. It is unforgivable....
When the neighbor comes down and ashes me to keep my child out of their tree (because he is afraid of a law suite if the child should get hurt) there is something very wrong in our "Society" (opus there is that word again LOL)
When co-workers are afraid to complement or just have a civil conversation with one another (for fear of a sexual harassment suite) There is something very wrong in our "Society"
When there is an accident and the people immediately hire a "Crook Lawyer" instead of first trying to handling it through the insurance Company (that is what we pay insurance for - for the Companies to handle the accidents for us) There is something very wrong in our "Society"
When the media actually deems you "Guilty" or "Not" before you even go to trial.. There is something very wrong in our "Society"
So back to Mr. Jackson and the millions of dollars that both he and the "State of California" are going to spend to take this to trial...
I am glad that "Broke" California has all that money to burn.... The same goes for The Mr. "Barretta" trial and the Simpson Trial....
I am not saying that they should not have their day in court to prove or disapprove the allegations. Just.... that because of the Media hype and all it is going to cost the Taxpayers more money than if it was just Mr. John Doe on trial for the same thing. Something is wrong with our "Society"...
I Have watched the progress of Mr. Jackson since his first days on TV with his Brothers.
I am appalled with what they had to go through with a "show Biz" father but I do realize that parents must do what they can to forward the career of their children (Children seldom have the push or drive or the sense to see way into the future) and parents can see the big picture and know that in the end the child should be grateful for the pushing...(although I know not all children are) But stating this I am reminded that before the 60's a child's career was much more abused by the parents than in recent times. (thank goodness for some protective laws that have come into effect)
Who knows though that the pushing, etc. from his dad was not what was required in molding him into the Child loving and giving person he has become.
I don't t hink he would or could molest or abuse a child. Usually when people have gone through this in their Child Hood it is not feasible that they could treat someone like they had been treated. Regardless of the 10%ers that are on telly saying that the reason they are bad is because of their upbringing.... Bull Pucky.... They, like most of the young people now days, just want someone to blame for things they do and will not take ownership of their actions...
But the bottom line ( and what I always tell my sons) "It really does not matter what the people on earth say or do to you". "God knows all and you will either be punished or redeemed in the end times for what you do or don't do and be persecuted for"
I am remembering a part from the Bible that says two or more must witness the crime for it to be considered and than just not 1 person can bring charges against you. It does not say anything about circumstantial evidence. It says 2 or more persons....
I know that in this day and age of Forensic Investigation one can get better proof of a crime.
Look at all the accused sex offenders now getting released because the new evidence proves they did not do the crime. Look at the bull evidence that put them behind bars before the new technology.
It is a sad world we live in when a group of people can get together and plot to bring down someone they don't like or want money from.
I want to say to those boys that are the accusers that "Remember that God knows all and that
you should be very careful". There have been a few case in the news of children accusing their dads of abuse and when the child grows up they confess that the adults around them corkscrews them into a falsehood. I sure hope that this case is not like that and that Mr. Jackson has his integrity spoilt and possible jail time and then the grown kid comes back and confesses that they were manipulated by an adult.
I have seen sex harassment charges brought on people just because the person bringing the charges did not like them. And instead of researching it to the hilt they act as if the person is guilty right off...And after the person is finale found not guilty the stigma still goes with them through out life. We as responsible people (especially the media) should really look at and weigh the evidence before OPENING MOUTH to accuse.
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