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Friday, April 15, 2005

What is Happeness

I am writing this to a friend that once asked me this question and I think I can in a way answer it now.

A long time ago I had the subrubain (yupie) dream. A house of my own, a couple of cars, a great career and a child. And a young person (Jay) once asked me why with all the American Dream was I not happy and seemed to always be blue. I guess that at the time the house and place I was living was not the house or place I eventually wanted to be living. The career that I had was not what I really wanted to be doing. The material possetions that I had were not in their proper places in the home I wanted in the location I wanted to live. At least that is the reason in those days that I told my slef that I was not happy or content.

Now 20 years later I am living in the location I dreamed of. I am working on the house that I dreamed of. I have accomplished all the goals that I had set out to accomplish (found my birth mother -a whole nother book LOL, found I had a half brother, found my son of 1968 that I had given up, parasailed, visited many foregin countries, retired from my career with enough money as to not have to work for wages ever again, bought over 10 acres of PineTree wooded land and rebuilt 2 houses and have rental income, live in a well built house (still not my dream house)while working on finishing my dream house. I have God in my life, a "friend" next door, a grown son who I am so proud of, I spend most of my days on the computer desigining websites and pages, What is there not to be happy and content about. It is the ultimate Dream. With out winning the LOTO...:) or having millions of dollars. It has all been done on (what some people think is not enough) a military income. And all on my own with no assistance from anyone. What is there not to be proud of ?!..

So why am I still not Happy.???

I come to beleive that true happness is a little leanto with just enough space to get by on and your best friend or soul mate there to enjoy life with. I think material things and responsiblities tend to get in the way of happness. Doing what you really love to do seems to be the theme to "happiness" but once you are there does it really fill that "happy" hole?

What is life without someone to laff with, someone to talk to, someone to just be silent and enjoy God's world with with? And I do not mean just anyone can fill this catagory. How many times do we settle for less than we want or need in a friend or mate? I do not think that there is a "Happness" thing ever. I think it is more of a "contentment" issue. Is your heart and head at peace ?

There will always be times even in a content place that the blues or a bit of depresion will creap into. We are not Adam and Eve in the Garden. You see even they were not totally happy or content or they would have obayed God. And when they were kicked out then life took a real change and I think mankind has been looking for the garden ever since. I don't think there is total Peace, Contentment or Happness till one goes home to be with the Lord. We can not replicate the Garden down here no matter what we do or have. So in most cases we have to "Settle" for what bit or moment of Peace, Contentment and Happness we can aquire while down here.

Sometime I think that small hole in our souls are created by God to keep us moving onward and upward. For if we were in a place of total Peace and Contentment how would we learn more and advance in our lessons of the earth and become better people.

I love the Book of Job. It has so much to teach us every time we read it there are new leasons to be learned.

I guess I really have not answered the question of "What is Happness" but the only way to answer that is that "Happness is going home to be with the Lord". And after all is that not our ULTIMATTE goal on this earth? To learn all that we can here on earth and eventually go home?!!!.

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