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Friday, April 15, 2005

Old Best Friend Located

I am so Jazed....yesterday I spent an enormous amount of time on the WWW and on the phone and finally after 18 years located my Best Friend ever. And was able to make contact with them last night.

There has been the bigest black hole in my soul for the past 18 years and things are so much better this morning. Woke up feeling almost whole again.

What people write in little sayings about "what a friend is" is so true but the list is so much longer and deeper when it is your best, life long frined.

This is a person that:

you can tell "Everything" to and have them understand and not judge becasue probably they have gone through it to. This road runs both ways because they know and do tell you everything and you totally understand.

when you have a conversation most time you can use just a few words and each one knows exactly what you are saying and what you mean. No need to spend time trying to explain exactly how you feel or what you really mean.

you turst each other with your life more than you trust even your spouse or kids.

when you are together or even apart by many miles there is nothing that you can't do, accomplish or get through. There is support and encouragement just a phone call away.

when one or the other is in trouble there is no mountain that you won't move to help and set thing right or just listen and have a shoulder to lean on.

even though you may have major dissagrements and not speek or see each other for years there is always forgiviness and instant rebonding. We all are human and not perfect and a best friend will know this and except each other with all the good and bad.

there is never any need to repete anything said becasue you both listen and take in what is said and remember it all.

One is lucky and blessed by God if they have but One BEST FRIEND in this life time and should treasure this because it is more precious than all the money or power in this world.

I guess one would call their best friend and them "Soul Mates" .

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