Hurricane KATRINA News results for katrina
JUST FOUND This is really disturbing: Washington Post Link will open your eyes:
Pictures and Vidios pages link:
I, as most of the world have been watching the tragedy of Katrina.
I hope everyone has been "Listening" not just hearing what is said.
Have we forgotten Mississippi, Alabama and Florida???? do you realize that if the levies had not been breached in NO that the Mississippi coast would be the most devistated area due to the storm. They received much more huricane damage than NO and Florida and Alabama. But because they only got the BRUNT of the storm they are proceeding to recovery much faster than NO. I am not even sure that they are getting any federal assistance (manpower or equiptment) You do not see them on the news or hear about any personal aid going to them?? I know that NO is the most in need at the time but LET US NOT FORGET THAT THE "HURICANE ITSELF" DAMAGED AND LEFT HOMELESS OTHER CITIES AND PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY.
Comparative satellite imagery of Biloxi, Missisippi, pre- and post-Hurricane Katrina
Pre- and post-Hurricane Katrina comparative satellite imagery of Biloxi, Mississippi
[Source: USGS]
Biloxi before ..............................Biloxi after
click on images for larger views
this is what I have deduced from all the numerous media (including the BBC) broadcasts.
Bottom Line: If the Federal Government had not cut the budget for the revamping of the levies in NO there would be a great probability of it not breaking and flooding NO. Even though the levies were only built to withstand a cat 3.
so it is my bottom line opinion that the Federal Government is responsible for rebuilding and restoring all the houses and businesses that were affected by the flooding.
If it had not been for the breach in the levy there would not have been the massive destruction in NO. The storm itself did minor damage to the coast line but left most of the area that was flooded untouched or at least in a condition that could have left everyone in there homes and normality restored in a normal amount of time.
At the time of the first call to evacuate there was not the threat of flooding or levy breaks. As Katrina made landfall to the East of NO I can understand why people in the North West of the city would not consider evacuating. AGAIN if the levies had held there would have been not reason to evacuate.
I can also understand people that are still in the city and not threatened by the flood waters not wanting to leave. Especially if they have done the preparations for a disaster as many might have done for the 2000 scare. If one has done the disaster prepare then there is no reason to leave a standing and secure house or building and add to the refugee count and dollars needed to supply these refugees.
Fema and the RedCross:
You would think that they both would have learned a few lessons from 9-11. Why are these two organizations not organized and working together to handle these disasters? They need to get on the same page and get compatible computer programs so that it facilitates tracking and identifying people who get displaced or lost.
My suggestion. Work with the Social Security Department (everyone in this country has or is suspose to have a social security number DUH!)
Fema and Red Cross and all other organizations should be inputting all these people by ssn's, first & last names and their intake location. also having a site set up that people who have gone to other locations (friends-family-volunteer homes-hotels etc) can log on and input the same information (ssn, name and location/contact #)
All information from the intakes and websites should be sent to one central location so as people do not have to search all over the net and bullenten boards for loved ones.
I know all this can be done with a very simple computer program and there is no excuse for all the confusion and spreadout information.
FUNNY SIDE NOTE: This morning I listened to the news and found out that FEMA had taken over one of the hotels on Cannel Street and Had all utilities on including lights.
It puts me to wondering that if they can do this to a highrise building in the middle of the disaster, then why could not they have done something like this for the Super Dome?????
On that note: If this government can FLY in medical, MRE's and water to other countries within 48 hours after a disaster then why did not they do this for the thousands that were stranded in the Super Dome.
Here is how it should have happened. Immediately Fly in an organized guard to manage the people at the Super Dome. Fly in doctors, MRE's, Water to staging area (the I10 right there would have done good) and set up everything and start putting people through. RedCross could have been there to do an intake of people so they would have had a list of who was there. Sort people after intake to areas set up for different circumstances. (i.e. families, single people, children without adults, elderly, sick, very ill) this would have let everyone be assessed and the loading and evacuation of people could have run much more smother.
There is NO reason that anyone at the SuperDome should have perished....
I do think the Rescue Teams did excellent even though they were a bit late in getting started.
And that all leads me to the Subject of "the Governor or the State" having to "Request" Federal help before the Federal government authorizes and help (i.e. troops, equipment etc)
BOO on YOU FED GOV......The minute that a major city of over 500,000 people is in major distress YOUR ASS SHOULD BE THERE request or not...... If your neighbors house is on fire do you wait for them to come over and ask you for help????? NO you jump in there and do what you can. DUH.... And you call yourselves God Fearing Christian People.... Bull.....
I hate to say this but the late Gov Wallace had the right idea. "take care of your own backyard before you go taking care of someone else's!!!!!" I really think this country should get all their "stuff in one sock" before trying to take on the rest of the world.
Before 9-11 this countries budget was in the red and now it is so far in the red that Christ will be here before it is ever in the black. If I ran my household like this I would be locked up. I would like to help all the people in this country or who I see that needs a leg up but if I surpassed my budget or income to do it, again they would lock me up. So why should our government be allowed to spend money that they do not have.
I do not have an answer for this. Because we all know that the government, be it Fed, State or City that are supplying the infrastructure of this country. But let us understand that it is the people that , through taxes etc, are giving the government the money to do this.
This puts us back to the Taxing of the people. If the government is not getting enough tax dollars to do the job then the Tax system is in need of overhaul. And the government needs a large watchdog to stop the PORK or NON-ESSENTIAL spending of the money.
I am not going to get into that here (it is a whole other topic) but as a last note.
GAS: First the gas companies have showed over a 35% profit in the last 6 months. Now if those profits were in the millions and the government taxed them at even 25% no deductions or loop holes there would be quite a lot of money in the gov bank.
speaking of Gas: I heard (but only once, which means that the story has been squashed by someone) that Hawaii was going to cap all their gas prices and hold them at the cap price. No Increases.
Now I know it would be a good thing for the Fed Gov to do this for the Nation. But I also know that if they refuse that the States can do it if they want to. Remember the Late Gov Reagan capped the rents in California for a time to keep Landlords from going crazy. So I know this could be done if the Government was really concerned about all of us little people.
The gas has gotten so high and the Employers out there have not increased the Employees pay to compensate so right now we are all working just to make enough money to be able to buy gas to get to work. But again this is another topic for later.
I close this with Pride that so many of the country's people have come to the aid of their fellow country man & woman in the time of great need.
See the Washington Post Links at top of page for news and pictures.
FOOT NOTE: just spoke with a will educated person and all they could say is that there was enough blame to go around to all gov agencies.
But what one does not understand is that there would be NO BLAME to go around
I am not a Bush Basher or Fed Gov Basher. I love my country but it just makes me sick when the government makes bad choices and invloves people lives. I thought the Government was to Protect and Serve...opps sorry that is the police another GOVERNMENTAL Dept. HUMMMMMMMMM
Remember our taxes are paying the governments wages and materials. Ya think it is time for a Tea Party. I don't mind being taxed but I do mind if the money is spent wongly.... and so should every one in this country.
Why are the polititions in Washington and the states paid more, plus furnished homes and all kinds of perks to set on their back sides, than the men and women who go out and fight in the dirt, loose sleep, get separated from loved ones and lead a worse life than our convicts. Are brains (and I use this loosley when talking about polititions) more highly valued in this country than the brawn and might of the fighting force?
don't mind the soap box the last. Nothing can or will be done till the coming of the Lord and as fortold things are going to get worse not better.
all we can do is to follow our HEARTS, set good examples, take care of our own and say many prayers for all.
let us all pray for the swift coming of the Lord who can end all the injustice.
click comments to see my updates if any
Pictures and Vidios pages link:
I, as most of the world have been watching the tragedy of Katrina.
I hope everyone has been "Listening" not just hearing what is said.
Have we forgotten Mississippi, Alabama and Florida???? do you realize that if the levies had not been breached in NO that the Mississippi coast would be the most devistated area due to the storm. They received much more huricane damage than NO and Florida and Alabama. But because they only got the BRUNT of the storm they are proceeding to recovery much faster than NO. I am not even sure that they are getting any federal assistance (manpower or equiptment) You do not see them on the news or hear about any personal aid going to them?? I know that NO is the most in need at the time but LET US NOT FORGET THAT THE "HURICANE ITSELF" DAMAGED AND LEFT HOMELESS OTHER CITIES AND PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY.
Comparative satellite imagery of Biloxi, Missisippi, pre- and post-Hurricane Katrina
Pre- and post-Hurricane Katrina comparative satellite imagery of Biloxi, Mississippi
[Source: USGS]
Biloxi before ..............................Biloxi after

click on images for larger views
this is what I have deduced from all the numerous media (including the BBC) broadcasts.
Bottom Line: If the Federal Government had not cut the budget for the revamping of the levies in NO there would be a great probability of it not breaking and flooding NO. Even though the levies were only built to withstand a cat 3.
so it is my bottom line opinion that the Federal Government is responsible for rebuilding and restoring all the houses and businesses that were affected by the flooding.
If it had not been for the breach in the levy there would not have been the massive destruction in NO. The storm itself did minor damage to the coast line but left most of the area that was flooded untouched or at least in a condition that could have left everyone in there homes and normality restored in a normal amount of time.
At the time of the first call to evacuate there was not the threat of flooding or levy breaks. As Katrina made landfall to the East of NO I can understand why people in the North West of the city would not consider evacuating. AGAIN if the levies had held there would have been not reason to evacuate.
I can also understand people that are still in the city and not threatened by the flood waters not wanting to leave. Especially if they have done the preparations for a disaster as many might have done for the 2000 scare. If one has done the disaster prepare then there is no reason to leave a standing and secure house or building and add to the refugee count and dollars needed to supply these refugees.
Fema and the RedCross:
You would think that they both would have learned a few lessons from 9-11. Why are these two organizations not organized and working together to handle these disasters? They need to get on the same page and get compatible computer programs so that it facilitates tracking and identifying people who get displaced or lost.
My suggestion. Work with the Social Security Department (everyone in this country has or is suspose to have a social security number DUH!)
Fema and Red Cross and all other organizations should be inputting all these people by ssn's, first & last names and their intake location. also having a site set up that people who have gone to other locations (friends-family-volunteer homes-hotels etc) can log on and input the same information (ssn, name and location/contact #)
All information from the intakes and websites should be sent to one central location so as people do not have to search all over the net and bullenten boards for loved ones.
I know all this can be done with a very simple computer program and there is no excuse for all the confusion and spreadout information.
FUNNY SIDE NOTE: This morning I listened to the news and found out that FEMA had taken over one of the hotels on Cannel Street and Had all utilities on including lights.
It puts me to wondering that if they can do this to a highrise building in the middle of the disaster, then why could not they have done something like this for the Super Dome?????
On that note: If this government can FLY in medical, MRE's and water to other countries within 48 hours after a disaster then why did not they do this for the thousands that were stranded in the Super Dome.
Here is how it should have happened. Immediately Fly in an organized guard to manage the people at the Super Dome. Fly in doctors, MRE's, Water to staging area (the I10 right there would have done good) and set up everything and start putting people through. RedCross could have been there to do an intake of people so they would have had a list of who was there. Sort people after intake to areas set up for different circumstances. (i.e. families, single people, children without adults, elderly, sick, very ill) this would have let everyone be assessed and the loading and evacuation of people could have run much more smother.
There is NO reason that anyone at the SuperDome should have perished....
I do think the Rescue Teams did excellent even though they were a bit late in getting started.
And that all leads me to the Subject of "the Governor or the State" having to "Request" Federal help before the Federal government authorizes and help (i.e. troops, equipment etc)
BOO on YOU FED GOV......The minute that a major city of over 500,000 people is in major distress YOUR ASS SHOULD BE THERE request or not...... If your neighbors house is on fire do you wait for them to come over and ask you for help????? NO you jump in there and do what you can. DUH.... And you call yourselves God Fearing Christian People.... Bull.....
I hate to say this but the late Gov Wallace had the right idea. "take care of your own backyard before you go taking care of someone else's!!!!!" I really think this country should get all their "stuff in one sock" before trying to take on the rest of the world.
Before 9-11 this countries budget was in the red and now it is so far in the red that Christ will be here before it is ever in the black. If I ran my household like this I would be locked up. I would like to help all the people in this country or who I see that needs a leg up but if I surpassed my budget or income to do it, again they would lock me up. So why should our government be allowed to spend money that they do not have.
I do not have an answer for this. Because we all know that the government, be it Fed, State or City that are supplying the infrastructure of this country. But let us understand that it is the people that , through taxes etc, are giving the government the money to do this.
This puts us back to the Taxing of the people. If the government is not getting enough tax dollars to do the job then the Tax system is in need of overhaul. And the government needs a large watchdog to stop the PORK or NON-ESSENTIAL spending of the money.
I am not going to get into that here (it is a whole other topic) but as a last note.
GAS: First the gas companies have showed over a 35% profit in the last 6 months. Now if those profits were in the millions and the government taxed them at even 25% no deductions or loop holes there would be quite a lot of money in the gov bank.
speaking of Gas: I heard (but only once, which means that the story has been squashed by someone) that Hawaii was going to cap all their gas prices and hold them at the cap price. No Increases.
Now I know it would be a good thing for the Fed Gov to do this for the Nation. But I also know that if they refuse that the States can do it if they want to. Remember the Late Gov Reagan capped the rents in California for a time to keep Landlords from going crazy. So I know this could be done if the Government was really concerned about all of us little people.
The gas has gotten so high and the Employers out there have not increased the Employees pay to compensate so right now we are all working just to make enough money to be able to buy gas to get to work. But again this is another topic for later.
I close this with Pride that so many of the country's people have come to the aid of their fellow country man & woman in the time of great need.
See the Washington Post Links at top of page for news and pictures.
FOOT NOTE: just spoke with a will educated person and all they could say is that there was enough blame to go around to all gov agencies.
But what one does not understand is that there would be NO BLAME to go around
I am not a Bush Basher or Fed Gov Basher. I love my country but it just makes me sick when the government makes bad choices and invloves people lives. I thought the Government was to Protect and Serve...opps sorry that is the police another GOVERNMENTAL Dept. HUMMMMMMMMM
Remember our taxes are paying the governments wages and materials. Ya think it is time for a Tea Party. I don't mind being taxed but I do mind if the money is spent wongly.... and so should every one in this country.
Why are the polititions in Washington and the states paid more, plus furnished homes and all kinds of perks to set on their back sides, than the men and women who go out and fight in the dirt, loose sleep, get separated from loved ones and lead a worse life than our convicts. Are brains (and I use this loosley when talking about polititions) more highly valued in this country than the brawn and might of the fighting force?
don't mind the soap box the last. Nothing can or will be done till the coming of the Lord and as fortold things are going to get worse not better.
all we can do is to follow our HEARTS, set good examples, take care of our own and say many prayers for all.
let us all pray for the swift coming of the Lord who can end all the injustice.
click comments to see my updates if any
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