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Friday, April 15, 2005

Lighters on Airplanes...Oh My

Well this is the silliest news I have ever heard.
This morning the news said that lighters were banned becasue of the guy who had the shoe bomb on the plane 2 years ago. It has taken them two years to get to this brilient conclusion about lighters? also it said that by banning lighters they will make it safer if anyone tryes to get on with another shoe bomb it will be harder for them to try and light it. But in the same breath they say that "Matches" are still allowed on the airplanes.

now let me see if I get this right:
No lighters because a bomber could light a bomb on the plane
Matches allowed though. ??????

last time I checked out techknowledgey they had bombs that could be activated by a switch or button even from outside the plane on the ground.

I agree to a point about the lighters on planes. But the reasons they give for the ban just don't hold water. Why don't they just say the truth of it.

I am totally amazed at the stuff and rules that are passed and the "Reasons" that are given. They must think the American Population is "stupid" or something. Most excused for things done will not hold water when closely (or in this case not so closley) examined. Even the news media when they read the story thought the reasons and the timing were "Bull". And we know the news media is not always the brightest match in the box. LOL

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Blogger Webfairy said...

I have since traveled the "Friendly Skys" and the airlines say that the Media's report as to "why no lighters" is incorrect. the real reason is that with the pressured plane the lighters (including the good old Zippos) could explode and cause an incedent....

Now this one just does not wash either.. as an excuse because in all these years I have yet to hear of there being an incedent or crash due to an exploding lighter. butane or other wise.

so I guess we are still left with out a good explination as to "why no lighters" not even in checked baggage.

Now here is a good one. I met a gentleman that came to Houston from Canada and he carried 5 lighters with him the whole way and never had them taken away. In Phoenix there was a lady that had traveled accross the country with her lighter.

so I deceided to test the waters. i put my lighter into my 1/2 empty cigerett package and put it in my purse that went through the x-ray machine and not a word was said.

I do not like going against the grain when it comes to the airport but I just had to give it a go.

So now that leaves us with "security, what security?"

Foot note. i was wearing thong like sandles (ya know, leather between the toe and strap across the instep)
I was told to take them off and put them through x-ray.

No wonder i have not flown since 9-11....LOL what a joke.

6:41 PM  

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