Hurricane Katrina and Rita's "VICTOMS"
And I have posted a longer thought on my CLOSED forum to the members that i know will understand where I am coming from.
This was posted by one of my members today and it will tell the whole story...
Read and think seriously about what you read...Think of all the incidents where you hve seen simular, selfish, arrogant, unappreciative, sloven, behavior. There is way too much of this going on and being passed down to the children of the future... God Help Us ALL!!!!.
First My one story. I took my son down to the Minute Maid Ball Park in 2003 for American Idol.. Un like most other cities prior the people had to live outside for the 3 days. But becasue of a storm everyone was let into the Park that day. We were only in line for about 6 hrs but you should have seen the mess that was left on the sidewalk and parking area where they had us staged before we got let in. No excuse for this as there were trash cans etc placed all around for the trash to be put in.
Once we were in the Park (totally locked in for 3 days) it was no better. We all sat in assigned seats and then at night they let us go up to the round about where all the consesions and what not were to make pallets to sleep on. I like some slept on the floor by my seat or in the seat 9I can sleep just about any time andy where LOL.
any way there was about 7000 people camped out with about 3000 of them being the kids that were going to perform. i saw almost No one putting trash into a bin. Most people just threw their trash on the floor by their seats. (this was the first evening) I went up and procured a couple of large trash bags and tied them to the railings on our stairs hand rail. I replaced them each day. But if everyone would have use them they would have had to be replaced 3 times a day. At first no one would put any trash into the bags. So I got a bag and started at the top of the stairs and embarised everyone by going down and row by row requesting that the people sitting there pick up the trash and put it in the bag. i also said that if they were going to sleep on the floor there that they had better keep it clean... Had a full bag 1/2 way down. But sadly to say no one ever got the idea on the other stair hand rails to do the same.
the place was a TIP (Australian for garbage dump) by the end of the 3rd day. i just can't beleive that people are such PIGS>>>
Anyway now here is the Story Of Katrina forwered to me by Toulouse
thought I would forward this to you from a person who went to help the
ones who came to Houston from New Orleans, and the experience he had as
he wanted to help. If this offends you, I certainly do mean for it to
hit you that way. Some of it may be slanted with the man's anger after
people who were hurting and desperate, but I imagine that most of it is
true, as I have been seeing some of the same actions reported on TV
Soooooooooo sad but tooooo true!!!
It's scarry to predict what is going to take place in the months/years
to come as a result of this disaster after reading this account of this
following report of the Houston volunteer!!!
Here is the real truth. I went to volunteer on Saturday, September
10, to help Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Houston for two reasons.
1. I wanted to help people.
2. I was curious.
I have been watching the news lately, like everyone else, and I
have seen some scenes that have made me physically ill. No, it was not
the death and the destruction that made me ill. It was PEOPLE'S
BEHAVIOR that bothered me the most.
So many of the displaced people were DEMANDING help. They were not
asking nicely, but were demanding it - as if society owed them
something. Well, the honest truth is society does NOT owe them
anything! Help should be asked for in a kind manner and then
appreciated after received, but this is definitely not what the
different news organizations were witnessing and reporting.
What most of us have seen, on television and in the print media,
have been individuals/groups who are yelling, demanding, looting,
killing, raping, and even SHOOTING back at those who have arrived to
help. MSNBC even showed one news report of several New Orleans
policewomen looting a Wal-Mart!
I am thinking to myself, This cannot possibly be true - or can
it?!?! Truthfully, I did not want to believe this could be true of the
people who so desperately need help during this crisis. I now tell my
story, and you can decide.
I arrived at the Astrodome only to find out there were too many
volunteers at that location. Volunteers were needed elsewhere -
especially at the George R. Brown Convention Center.
As I walked up to the Convention Center, I noticed a line of
vehicles that wrapped around for blocks. These were "ordinary"
Houstonians coming with water, diapers, clothes, blankets, food, every
type of needed item; lots of it was NEW. As I helped to unload these
vehicles, I felt such great pride that the wonderful residents of
Houston would be so generous.
I then went inside the building and noticed approximately 100,000
square feet of clothing, toys, all types of needed items, that were
organized and ready for the people in need. I signed in as a volunteer,
received a name badge, and was on my way, eager to be useful.
I toured the place to become familiar with my surroundings. The
entire Center is probably about 2 million square feet. I noticed rows,
as far as the eye could see, of mattresses - not cots - but blown-up
mattresses, that had nice pillows and plenty of blankets. There were
also two or three bottles of water resting on each bed. These full-size
to queen-size mattresses, by the way, were comfortable. I briefly
rested on one of them, just to see for myself!
Next I went to look at the medical area, and I could not believe
what I was seeing. A makeshift hospital had been created in 24 hours!
They even had a pharmacy.
As my tour continued, I also noticed that other volunteers had
worked hard to create showers...with hot water! Then upstairs, on the
third floor, I found a huge cafeteria that had also been established in
24 hours. There were rows and rows of tables and chairs and food
everywhere! There was enough food to feed an army, and I am not talking
about crappy food either! They had Jason's Deli food, fresh fruit,
snack foods, sandwiches and lots of beverages. By the way, the
beverages were put on ice and chilled!! All of this "mini-city" -
including a library and a theater room - had been created in about 24
hours by volunteers, so the evacuees would have a comfortable shelter.
Here is what further happened during my time there. I started by
handing bottles of COLD water to evacuees, as they exited their bus.
Many took the water, but only 20% or less even said, "Thank you." Lots
of the evacuees would shake their heads and ask for sodas! This went on
for about 20-30 minutes, until I was weary of being an unappreciated
servant. I then decided that certainly these folks would appreciate
some food! So, I went upstairs to serve these evacuees with some GOOD
food. (Food that I wished I could have had at the moment!)
Evacuees came slowly to receive this mountain of food, worthy of a
king, that was being served. I explained to them that we had two types
of great deli sandwiches to choose from: ham and turkey. Many looked at
the food in

and DEMANDED burgers, pizza, and even McDonalds! (Let me tell all of
you folks who may read this, that Jason's Deli is better than McDonalds
any day!!) Even many of the children were demanding and rude! Only one
out of ten people who took something would say, "Thank you." The
remainder took items, as if it were their God-given right to be served,
without a shred of appreciation. Some even asked for beer and liquor!
Many complained that we did not have "good-enough" food. Some went so
far as to refuse the offers of food and laughed at and/or cursed at the
volunteers. This was not true of all of them, but at least 70% of the!
e evacuees treated us volunteers with total disrespect. Maybe 20% were
appreciative, 10% took the food without any comment, and the remainder
had some disgusting comment to say.
We volunteers then began to observe that many of the people would eat
their food and leave their mess on the table. Oh sure, a few would
clear their tables, but the majority left their tables for the
volunteers to clear and clean. Needless to say, I was in utter shock at
their behavior.
From the food area, I went down to help set up some additional
mattresses. That is when I observed something else! I saw many young
ladies carrying mattresses, but WHERE were the hundreds of able-bodied
young men evacuees who could help?! When I asked a group of young
evacuees in their teens and early twenties to help, they cursed at me!!
One said, "We just lost our ****ing homes and you want us to work?!?!"
The next one said, "Cracker, you got a home...we don't."
I looked at them in total disbelief. Here were women carrying THEIR
beds and these young men would not lift a finger to help themselves!! I
THEMSELVES?!?!?! As I turned away, they laughed at me and made obscene
and distasteful comments. This is when I began realize that I did not
need to waste my time on a bunch of pitiful losers in this area of the
Next, I went to a nearby restroom where I noticed a man shaving. I
used the restroom, washed my hands, and then saw this same man throw
his razor towards the trash can. He missed. He also walked out, leaving
his dirty razor on the floor for someone else to pick up!
I could call these people ignorant ("lacking knowledge"), but they
were not ignorant. They were arrogant ("proud and overbearing through
an exaggerated feeling of one's superiority")! To put it bluntly, the
majority of them are thugs...and lazy!
We are inviting the lowest-of-the-low to Houson and, like idiots,
we are serving the people who will most likely soon steal, rape,
murder, and attempt to destroy our beloved city. We are funding our own
Please note, I am absolutely NOT referring to a specific race of
people!! People who WANT to help themselves should be helped in every
possible way. Those who do not want to help themselves should be left
to destroy themselves, but they should not be allowed to destroy
Houston at the same time.
I do not believe in being poor for life. My family immigrated here.
We came here very poor and now, thank God and due to HARD WORK, we are
doing well. If immigrants who come here - and do not even initially
know the language - can work and become successful, why can't the
majority of the other poor "homegrown" citizens do the same thing?!
I have personally just witnessed selfish, arrogant, unappreciative
behavior by the very people who needed the help the most. These same
people cursed me and other volunteers. They refused my city's
generosity. They refused to help themselves. They pranced around as if
they deserved to be waited on. When they did receive something, they
said it was not good enough. As far as I am concerned, from now on,
these people can fend for themselves!
READ: The Rest of The Story!
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Hi Webfairy, taking a little time today to see what People Helping People will send me to that is interesting. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try People Helping People in my e-travels. Have a super day!
Hi Webfairy, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on People Helping People and see what came up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on People Helping People. Getting late, have a good evening.
Hi Webfairy, I am enjoying some idle time and looking to see what Increase Cash Flow will bring up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is certainly interesting and informative. Increase Cash Flow is a good word to bring into the conversation. Great post. Enjoy your day!
Hi Webfairy, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Be Your Own Boss and see what came up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Be Your Own Boss. Getting late, have a good evening.
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Hi Webfairy, taking a little time today to see what Be Your Own Boss will send me to that is interesting. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try Be Your Own Boss in my e-travels. Have a super day!
Hi Webfairy, taking a little time today to see what People Helping People will send me to that is interesting. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try People Helping People in my e-travels. Have a super day!
Hi Webfairy, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on Be Your Own Boss and see what came up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on Be Your Own Boss. Getting late, have a good evening.
Hi Webfairy, taking a little time today to see what Be Your Own Boss will send me to that is interesting. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try Be Your Own Boss in my e-travels. Have a super day!
Hi Webfairy, it’s late in the evening, quiet and peaceful. This is good computer time for me. I thought I would check on People Helping People and see what came up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is something that is interesting to many people. I will also spend a little time checking on People Helping People. Getting late, have a good evening.
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Hi Webfairy, I am enjoying some idle time and looking to see what Be Your Own Boss will bring up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is certainly interesting and informative. Be Your Own Boss is a good word to bring into the conversation. Great post. Enjoy your day!
Hi Webfairy, taking a little time today to see what Relax At Home will send me to that is interesting. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's looks interesting and is a great read. Will also try Relax At Home in my e-travels. Have a super day!
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Hi Webfairy, I am enjoying some idle time and looking to see what People Helping People will bring up. Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is certainly interesting and informative. People Helping People is a good word to bring into the conversation. Great post. Enjoy your day!
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Hi Webfairy, I am cruising the blogs looking for any information on People Helping People and landed here. Although Hurricane Katrina and Rita's is interesting and got my attention, I will add this knowledge to my storehouse of information. I never know where People Helping People will take me. Have a great day!
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